Several theories and modalities are foundational to my work:
Working in the here and now, with the focus on the therapeutic relationship and how this reflects other relationships.
TA, Gestalt, Inner Child work: working with sub-conscious and unconscious material to dismantle powerful defenses and patterns from the past; to bring release from childhood trauma, neglect, and/or non-attuned parenting.
Respecting the other person’s opinions, feelings, thoughts, beliefs, choices, needs and desires; working from the I-Thou (Buber, 1958)
Integrating the spiritual and transcendent aspects of experience with modern psychology practices. Wikipedia defines transpersonal as a "spiritual psychology" or "experiences in which the sense of identity or self extends beyond (trans) the individual or personal to encompass wider aspects of life, psyche, or cosmos"
My work is driven by a strong desire for social justice, freedom for the marginalised and equality.