Individual Counselling

My job is to help you live a full, free and empowered life.  This is what I love most about my work and where I would like to help you.

People can often view others as problematic, dysfunctional, disordered, chaotic, irrational or neurotic.  Maybe you feel like this?

Others often see only what’s on the surface at a behavioural level.  I see something deeper than that – something that emanates from your heart within.

In my work I discover people who present like this are often deeply caring and sensitive.  Often they want a full life and desire that peace and love would reign in this world.  They yearn for belonging and for healthy relationships.

Maybe this is you too?  Are you yearning for belonging?  For healthy relationships of your own?  Perhaps you just don’t know how to, or where you can discover these things.

It can be hard to attend counselling and many people think that to be in therapy a person must be crazy or something is wrong with them.  It is probably one of THE most vulnerable and courageous things a person will do.


In her book "Daring Greatly" (2012) Dr Brene Brown writes: 

"Our willingness to own and engage with our vulnerability determines the depth of our courage and the clarity of our purpose; the level to which we protect ourselves from being vulnerable is a measure of our fear and disconnection."

Daring to let ourselves be seen at our deeper layers can be scary.  Most of us numb our vulnerability and feelings through things like work, alcohol, money, arrogance, control, people pleasing, rescuing others, intellectualising, perfection, performance etc.  Dr Brown suggests that when we do this we also numb joy, gratitude and grace.  We are not truly alive.

Checkout Brene Brown videos here:

When we start to make changes and differentiate and begin to live authentically things can seem to get worse.  In her book “The Dance of Anger”, Dr Harriet Lerner writes that we have to learn to tolerate the fear and guilt that comes when we begin to stand in our independent self. 

This journey may not be easy or painless but my heart is to walk with you towards freedom.   

Together we will:

  • Build a caring and supportive therapeutic relationship
  • Embrace your feelings, work to re-frame unhelpful thinking and find your new identity
  • Discover what’s holding you back and help you move forward
  • Talk about the deep and often frightening, but important, stuff
  • Work in a way that is comfortable to you and guided by you

You will feel valued, respected, cared for, and heard.

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Cover Photo by Dom Young.
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